Wednesday, December 17, 2014

5 weeks on - PERSEVERANCE

In my 5 weeks as a councillor, the one thing I learnt is PERSEVERANCE.

Indeed Im reminded of my alma mater's To Strive, To Seek, To Find and not to Yield or in the national language, Usaha Hingga Jaya.

There is so much bereaucracy that one have to wade through just to get s simple matter fixed. Time and again, the thought crosses one's mind to just keep to status quo.

However, I took my oath of office to do my best and to serve to my fullest capacity. Thus I owe it to myself not to give up but to persevere and to think out of the box.

I will continue to speak up, to bring change and greater effeciency to the council's administration. If its wrong, I will correct it even if it means having to crash against the wall.

"let it be" will not be in my vocabulary.

I will try and try again to bring and to give my best to the community that I have pledged to serve.

I pray for strength and for patience.

So help me God..Amen.

Monday, December 8, 2014

PJ Half Marathon

Last Sunday, despite only 2 hours sleep, I was there at the PJ Half Marathon.

The main event 21km was flagged off around 5:50 after a short delay. This was followed by the 10km, 7km and 5km runs.

After prayers and breakfast, the Fun Run, 3km was flagged off. Families with strollers were also seen.

I joined Elizabeth Wong, Halimey and Akhir in the 3km run. It was fun indeed and the satisfaction was reaching the end. Not trained nor prepared, it was nevertheless good exercise and not too difficult.

I do however admire those who did the longer ones. I salute all of them and Im sure everyone had a great morning despite some hiccups in the organisation.

I look forward to similar future activities.

Monday, November 24, 2014

My first two weeks as a City Councillor

Two weeks down as a city councillor; it has been an interesting journey so far.

On the same evening that I was sworn in, I attended a briefing by KIDEX to Kpg Kayu Ara residents.

In this first fortnight, Ive also organised an Anti Dengue Gotong Royong jointly with the District health department, residents and the council.

Ive also met up with another group of residents who are concerned about the proposed LRT project in their neighbourhood.

Ive managed to stop by at a Residents' Association committee meeting and went on the ground on my bicycle to a housing area. The cycle ride helped me identify first hand the issues affecting the local housing area.

I also attended my first full board council meeting plus three committee meetings.
Apart from residents, I also met up with developers to understand and address the issues affecting them.

There was a complaint also about loud noises coming from an entertainment outlet near a housing area. I went round the area late at night to identify the problem and visited the outlet as well. Thank you to Anna Har of KOMAS and resident for accompanying me.

The week ended with officiating a Deepavali Open House and being present at the local mosque Child Circumcision event.

In between these official councillor's duties, I represented MP Sivarasa at the opening of the Great Hall of the local chinese primary school too and our usual Thursday night Service Center activities.

This also included attending to complaints of construction site working during weekends and uncollected garbage. I also attended a High Tea session with residents of yet another Chinese New Village to end my week.

It has been an interesting two weeks with a little bit of everything thrown in.

One does need to truly plan and prioritise our limited time to be well organised.

A big thank you also to my assistant Sdr Fahimi who has been a great help in getting many things done.

This week will be to set up the office into a properly functioning center, resolve and get results to previous issues raised ie uncollected rubbish and surprise site visits plus courtesy calls to Department Heads in the councils.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Petaling Jaya City Councillor

Today Tuesday 11th November 2014, I was sworn in as a City Councillor in the City of Petaling Jaya.

As one of 24 councillors, who together with the Mayor have the responsibility of administering the city.

This is an appointment made by the State Government.

It is a heavy burden as we would have a direct responsibility to the well being of the people and businesses in the city.

As the third tier of governance we are closest to and have a direct impact on the daily lives of the citizens. What we choose to do or not do would impact the quality of life for the people in the city.
It is in most instances a thankless duty with only pittance for allowances: ie RM1500.

However when street lights go dark or drains over flow, we are cursed. When things run smooth, no thank you will come nor is it expected.

After countless occasions of rejecting the offer, I have decided to accept this time round. I felt it is time I take the next step in my commitment to community service.
I believe deep down that as Malaysians we deserve much better than what we get now. If I get this chance to do it, I see it as a calling to me.

I accept it humbly and calling on my family and friends to keep me in prayers as I carry this duty.

May His name be praised through my words  and my deeds in this role.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Transit Oriented Development - TOD

TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) is the exciting fast growing trend in creating vibrant, liveable communities. It is the creation of compact, walkable communities centered around a high quality train system.  This makes it possible to live a higher quality life without complete dependence on a car for mobility and survival.

Transit oriented development is a major solution to the serious and growing problems of peak oil and climate change  by creating dense, walkable communities connected to a train line that greatly reduce the need for driving and the burning of fossil fuels.

Residents in a TOD development experience higher quality life with better places to live, work and play. There will be high property values.

Residents will experience healthier lifestyles with more walking and less stress. There will be less traffic congestion and less driving.

These pedestrian friendly  communities offer more opportunities to get to know others and creates a friendlier town. It will also create a better sense of place and community identity with each unique architecture.

TOD also allows more open spaces to enjoy and remain open space thus more effecient use of tax money with less spent on spread out utilities and roads.
Businesses will have increased sales through higher foot traffic. There will also be more spending money from less spent on cars and petrol.

Local governments will spend less on infrastructure and utilities due to compact  high density projects. Increased tax base due to high density with lower spending on security and infrastructure maintenance.
The factors driving the trend towards TOD includes rapidly growing mind numbing traffic congestion nationwide.

There is also a growing desire for high quality urban lifestyles plus increased desire for walkable lifestyles away from traffic. Changing family lifestyles ie more singles and empty nesters also drives a need for TOD.

For TOD to be effective its components must include walkable designs where pedestrians have highest priority, with a train station as its town center's prominent feature. There must also be high quality and high density development within 10 minute walk circle of the central train station.

There should exist also support systems such as buses and taxis. The development must also have designs that include easy use of bicycles as part of the daily transportation systems.

Parking spaces within 10 minutes walking  circle should be reduced and properly managed.

With the above definition of TOD and the reasons for TOD it must be appreciated that higher plot ratios must be a part and parcel of the idea.

However, the conditions towards getting the higher plot ratios must be focused towards the objectives of the concept of TOD.

Therefore, I am suggesting the following conditions to be considered.

For an area to be classified as TOD there must also exist a green space or park within a 1km radius of the train station.

This park has to be upgraded with recreational facilities with walking and cycling connections. Eventually the space should be jointly adopted by local Residents Association and local businesses.

The development includes high rise residential homes. However we should do away with the normal parking space requirements.

Whilst parking spaces must be made available however they should not be accessorised to the parcels. Home owners have the option of purchasing or renting the car park spaces.

With no need to include the cost of car park space, homes become cheaper and more affordable. A ceiling selling prices would be part of the conditions of TOD approval.

Each development must also include taxi and bus lay-bys in covered areas within the property.

The fee for commercial car park spaces must be regulated. It must be calculated to make it more expensive to park than to use public transport if there are 3 or less passengers in the car.

The plot ratios of areas just outside the 3km radius of TOD must be kept to the minimum to compensate for the higher plot ratio given to TOD. This is necessary in order that the surrounding existing infrastructure will still be sustainable.
It cannot be emphasised enough that TOD is only allowed if it contributes to reducing the use of private cars and encourage use of public transport, walking or cycling. The development must also have a positive impact on increasing the quality of life for residents in the area.

It is the responsibility of local councils to provide enough spaces for all its residents and visitors and passer-by. As more migrations into the city is expected, creating living and working spaces above ground is a viable and possibly the only solution.

Therefore the concept of TOD is the choice solution. It can be managed and designed to keep enough green spaces as well as recreational spaces. This is achievable via higher plot ratios applied responsibly with strict enforceable conditions.

In summary, as people's lifestyles and expectations change, the local councils responsibilities changes as well.

Traditional planning approach needs to be modified to suit changing needs. Changing needs mean the ability to think out of the box.

TOD concept is indeed an ideal solution but have to be applied responsibly in order to fulfil the local councils responsibility, the people's expectations as well as social needs.

Applying TOD means also approving higher plot ratios which is not necessary a bad thing. Higher plot ratio is a solution, not a problem. However it must be applied responsibly.

Ultimately the objective of reduced private vehicle usage, increase in public transport ridership and improved quality of life must be the focus.

Thank you.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Belanjawan2015 - Pengangkutan Awam Darat

Belanjawan2015 telah memperuntukan sejumlah wang yang agak besar untuk mengatasi masalah kesesakan jalanraya di Lembah Klang.

Beberapa lebuhraya akan dibina bersama dengan dua laluan MRT dan LRT.
Malangnya tiada sebarang initiatif diperkenalkan untuk mengurangkan penggunaan kereta persendirian. Begitu juga tiada cadangan untuk menggalakkan penggunaan pengangkutan awam darat.

Saya ingin cadangkan beberapa initiatif hasil daripada pemikiran di luar kotak. Penyelesaian jangkamasa panjang hanya akan tercapai melalui initiatif pelbagaian dan dari kerjasama semua pihak yang berkepentingan.

Kad Transit
Saya cadangkan syarikat-syarikat swasta diberikan kecualian cukai sekiranya mereka memberikan Kad Transit (Travel Card) kepada tenaga kerja mereka.
Ini bererti tenaga kerja dapat menggunakan perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam darat secara percuma untuk pergi kerja. Ini bererti penjimatan kos pengangkutan.
Initiatif ini juga bererti penggurangan penggunaan kereta persendirian.

Sistem kongsi kereta (Car Pooling)
Warga kerja juga harus digalakkan untuk berkongsi kereta untuk pergi kerja.
Maka dicadangkan kawasan-kawasan pusat bandar diwartakan khas dimana kereta-kereta persendirian dikenakan bayaran yuran khas (surcharge) sekiranya mahu masuk kawasan dengan kurang daripada 4 orang dalam kereta itu.
Hanya kereta-kereta dengan resit yuran khas ini dikenakan bayaran parking minima manakala harga parking untuk kereta-kereta lain dikenakan bayaran yang jauh lebih tinggi.
Initiatif ini pula akan mengurangkan pengunaan kereta persendirian sebanyak 60% di kawasan pusat bandar.

Laluan Khas Bas dan Teksi
Adalah dicadangkan juga untuk JKR dan PBT terlibat menyediakan laluan-laluan khas untuk bas dan teksi. Ini akan dapat membantu mengurangkan masa perjalanan jika menggunakan pengangkutan awam darat berbanding kereta persendirian.
Maka initiatif ini menjadikannya lebih cepat jika menggunakan pengangkutan awam berbanding kereta persendirian.

Cukai khas kereta persendirian.
Demi mencapai matlamat untuk mengurangkan penggunaan kereta persendirian, saya mencadangkan satu  bayaran khas untuk kereta persendirian. Di peringkat PBT, rumah-rumah yang mendaftar lebih daripada 2 kereta akan dikenakan bayaran khas untuk kereta ke 3 dan keatas.
Manakala, untuk rumah-rumah tanpa kereta pula akan diberikan kurangan cukai pintu.
Cadangan ini dapat membahagikan tanggungjawab yang lebih rata kepada mereka yang menyumbang kepada kesesakan jalan dan lebuhraya kami.

Laluan basikal dan pejalan kaki.
Pihak PBT juga harus digalakkan untuk menyediakan lebih laluan berbasikal yang selamat dalam sekitar 3km daripada kawasan perumahan ke pusat pengangkutan awam dan pusat aktiviti ekonomi.
Ini bukan sahaja mengurangkan penggunaan kereta persendirian tetapi juga  kurangkan kesesakan jalanraya.
Disamping itu, initiatif ini dapat mengurangkan jejak karbon, sekaligus mengurangkan pencemaran dan membina budaya sihat dalam masyarakat.

Station-station pengangkutan awam dan pejabat-pejabat digalakkan untuk menyediakan bilik mandi bagi keselesaan mereka yang menaiki basikal.
Pihak PBT harus digalakkan untuk menyediakan laluan pejalan kaki untuk persekitaran station-station pengangkutan awam ke kawasan perumahan dalam sekitar 1km.
Gabungan kedua-dua initiatif ini dapat membina budaya yang sihat dalam masyarakat.

Perkhidmatan Bas Pengantara, Bas Percuma
Semua station-station tren serta pusat-pusat membeli belah harus diwajibkan menyediakan khidmat bas pengantara berkos rendah atau percuma dalam persekitaran 5km.
Ini semestinya mengurangkan penggunaan kereta persendirian dan dapat menyumbang kepada penggurangan kesesakan jalanraya.
Perkhidmatan bas percuma oleh PBT juga dapat menggalakkan penggunaan pengangkutan awam darat.

Menaikan Kadar Kos Meletak Kereta
PBT seharusnya menaikkan kadar bayaran meletak kereta di pusat-pusat bandar. Di station "Park n Ride" pula, kadar yang rendah harus dipertimbangkan bagi kereta penuh atau mereka yang menggunakan khidmat pengangkutan awam.

Tidak ada satu jawapan untuk mengatasi masalah kesesakan jalanraya di sekitar Lembah Klang.

Namun saya pasti ada penyelesaiannya sekiranya kita sanggup dan berani mengambil keputusan yang mungkin kurang mendapat sokongan popular.

Semua pihak harus bekerjasama dan pihak kerajaan harus mengambil initiatif untuk menyediakan dana yang secukupnya. Menaik taraf kemudahan yang sedia ada dan  membina infrastruktur baru yang praktikal jauh lebih rendah kos berbanding dengan membina lebuhraya baru.

Lebuhraya baru hanya menjemput lebih kereta dan terus mencemar udara dan alam sekitar.Ia juga tidak menyelesaikan masalah kesesakan jalanraya, malah menambahkan masalah sebenarnya.

Pengguna lebuhraya baru ini akan terus dibebankan dengan pembayaran tol jalanan tanpa dapat melihat penghujung kepada pembayaran tol.

Maka dicadangkan untuk belanjawan2015 dana yang disediakan untuk pembinaan lebuhraya di Lembah Klang harus dikaji semula.

Sebaliknya kerajaan harus serius menyediakan dana dan ambil initiatif untuk menaik taraf infrastruktur dan kualiti khidmat pengangkutan awam darat.

Terima kasih.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pendapat saya berkenaan Belanjawan 2015

Belanjawan 2015. 

Sekali lagi, Menteri Kewangan membentangkan belanjawan yang  lebih pentingkan perbelanjaan untuk kepentingan politik daripada membangunkan negara.

Peningkatan wang BRIM dan sumbangan kahwin dan lain-lain diterima baik tetapi ini bukan jawapan jangkamasa panjang.
Tanggungjawab kerajaan adalah menggalakkan pembangunan dan ekonomi agar rakyat dapat peluang pekerjaan dan peningkatan taraf hidup. Ini dapat menjadikan rakyat berdikari dan merasa bangga dengan pencapaian diri.

Malangnya belanjawan2015 lebih menjurus kepada menjadikan rakyat lebih bergantung kepada pemberian wang daripada kerajaan: membina masyarakat pengemis dan bukan membina masyarakat berbudaya rajin dan bekerja kuat.

Maka saya kecewa dengan belanjawan2015 kerana penambahan peratusan belanja pentadbiran dan kurang pula untuk pembangunan negara. Tiada perancangan jangkamasa panjang untuk membina negara.

Kementerian Pendidikan mendapat hampir 25% daripada jumlah perbelanjaan tetapi yang dikhaskan untuk pembangunan sekolah tidak sampai 10% daripada jumlah itu. Lebih 75% disediakan untuk kos pentadbiran.

Maka saya ingin berkongsi dan mengingatkan Menteri Kewangan bahawa beza antara seorang ahli politik dan seorang negarawan.

Yang pertama hanya merancang untuk pilihanraya yang akan datang. Manakala seorang negarawan pula akan merancang untuk generasi akan datang.

Ahli politik akan cepat dilupakan tetapi seorang negarawan akan diraikan sebagai tokoh dan wira.

Saya sudahi pendapat ringkas saya dengan membawa perhatian bahawa saya gunakan istilah belanjawan dan bukan bajet kerana saya pertahankan penggunaan Bahasa Malaysia asli.

Terima kasih.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Of the MB and beer

So its beer season again, yes OktoberFest is back in town!

This event, celebrated without much fanfare in previous years is given much attention this year. Our caring cousins from PAS took offence to a billboard advertising the event.

Thus there were calls that this kind of event promoting beer should be banned. Public outrage against PAS was as expected. However, it was good to see many within PAS spoke out quickly reminding their colleagues that their values cannot be forced upon others.

After much ado over nothing, the event was celebrated as always but this year in a more remote 4th floor carpark instead.

Also this year's event saw an unprecedented turnout of both national and state law makers. Local council councillors also showed up in solidarity. And thus, common sense prevailed, rights respected but with a slight dent.

September ended with Selangor having sworn in a new Mentri Besar. Initial comments were welcoming and with lots of optimism and hope.

Selangorians saw a well presented MB: full of charm and good looks. But these physical attributes were also accompanied by rolled-up sleeves and hands-on approach with him on the ground.

So with a positive first step, we now look forward to real substances beyond the well presented Public Relations exercise. The truth is in the tasting.

I am looking forward to Azmin Ali's first budget presentation and his first real policy decision after all these initial high.

My sincere prayers and best wishes to the new MB of Selangor.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ammending the local town plans

Ammendments to the local town plans.

Every city or town is developed via a pre planned document known as the local town plan. In most instances, this local plan is an official document made legal by law, ie the plans are gazetted.

The local town plan includes specific details such as identifying green spaces and every plot of land. The allowed use of each plot is mentioned either individually or grouped within a particular zone. Even the nature of allowed business may also be specified.

The purpose of these town plans are to ensure the sustainability of developments as well as the quality of life for its residents.

Over time, such plans may need to undergo ammendments. Ammending the gazetted plan is a serious task and as in the initial plans, it goes through public participation and involvement as well.
In proposing any ammendments, it must clearly state the reasons. It is also important to see each ammendment in the context of the overall plan. Minimum requirements for ammenities such as green lungs, markets, services including fire statio n and police stations, schools and parks must not be compromised. Infact ammendments should enhance these services not reduce it.

The ammendments can only be adopted if the initial infrastructure for that locality can accommodate the increase in traffic volume and density from the changes.

Therefore converting an open space into commercial use and allowing a multi story building should not be taken lightly.
Simple excuse that the open space is underutilised and becoming an eyesore or that its a private land is no reason to allow the ammendment.

It must also take into consideration the surrounding road system, the sewage system, the drainage and power supply grid capacity. These are basic essentials that contribute to the quality of life for residents.

Therefore each and every ammendment to a town plan can have a major impact on the rest of the township. It is a serious matter and should be treated as such.

Residents must also play their part in voicing support or objections to any proposed ammendments. Residents can also suggest their proposals for ammendments too.

Currently, individuals can also object and raise their concerns to any ammendments. It is important that the voice of the individual is also heard.

However, I would prefer to see a situation where for each locality, the individual's voice is grouped and spoken through the local residents associatio n. This means that the individual's concern has been discussed and adopted by the neighbours: giving it more merit.

The current ammendment exercise undertaken by MBPJ is experiencing great interest amongst PJ residents. This is a great step forward in resident interest, concern and involvement.

The proposals are being carefully scrutinised by residents and brought into public discussion. This augurs well for the future of Petaling Jaya.

It may appear to be a turbulent ride for the council to go through. Nevertheless, the long term benefits for the council and to the residents are very important.

For that reason, I would support the call for the current proposed ammendments to be recalled. A committee involving different stake holders should re look again at the proposed ammendments before re tabling it to the public.

The subsequent proposals must take into consideration the longterm public transportation infrastructure plus maintaining and increasing public spaces including green lungs and recreational facilities as part of its objectives and reasoning.

It may be a time consuming exercise but we owe it to the future generation. We must do our minimum best to ensure Petaling Jaya continues to be a vibrant liveable city of choice.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

On the 2:30 to Batu Pahat

Sitting here at platform 16 TBS Bus Station waiting for my 2:30 bus to BatuPahat.

Time to reflect on the past fortnight where the nation officially mourned the passing of MH17 and we are still in the midst of the Selangor Mentri Besar fiasco.

Just a month plus few days after being shot down, the bodies of the crew and passengers  were brought home for final rites and burial. 20 bodies  were received with full military honours by no less than His Majesty the King himself.

The nation mourned as one big family in a fitting tribute themed United in Grief.

I joined fellow Malaysians at Dataran Merdeka in what i thought was a perfect place to pay my respects.

I was in white baju melayu together with over 100 others mostly in black. At 10:54 we said a silent prayer in our own faith, in honour and memory of those who perished in MH17.

Yes, Malaysia and Malaysians can be united not just in grief but at all times.

Our diversity is our strength to build upon. It is not a weakness and certainly not to be used to separate us.

The past week also reminded us of the importance of being meticulate in all that we do. The "tidak apa" attitude has no place in our culture.

It was this very culture that saw the collapse of a 6 tons and 20 feet long cement span on the MRT construction site in Sg Buloh killing 3 workers.

I pray that they will rest in peace and that their families will be well taken care of by the company.

PKR finally took the brave but not so popular decision to sack Khalid Ibrahim from the party. However things did not go the way it should when TSKI chose to hold on to his position.

The palace was made to believe that he had the majority support of the State Assembly. When this was proven untrue, he finally caved in but alas, the palace now chooses to be "king maker".

However I strongly believe that His Highness will respect democracy and appoint a new Mentri Besar soon.

I hope that by next weekend we would have sworn in the first woman Mentri Besar.

This political turmoil in Selangor clearly revealed the best and the worst in human characters. Who are true friends and foe: who are truly champions of democracy and peoples' rights or purely opportunists, all was revealed.

In our true Malaysian spirit, I am confident we will ride through this storm and all will be well. It will be a win-win situation for all as both sides of the divide will claim moral victory.

In the past fortnight, I was also kept busy with Hari Raya open houses and the Hungry Ghost prayers and celebration.

In respect for MH17 I chose to decline invitations until after the day of national mourning.

All in, the past 2 weeks have been sad, relieved and inspirational for me. I am thankful for some families of MH17 finding closure and praying the rest would get closure soonest possible.

I am also looking forward to a change in governance in Selangor and to perhaps be able to play a bigger role.

Whilst we remember and mourn for MH17, I pray we will never forget MH370.

To my friend Capt Zaharie, sitting at the porch of our friend' s house last week, I saw the two fluorescent light that you fixed last year.

As the light brought comfort to us, I pray God will give light that the searchers may see where MH370 is. May the light shine the way to closure for all and to move on.

I look forward to the Lantern Festival ahead and the Merdeka Celebration. Indeed, "di sini mulanya kisah cinta"

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Sacking, Hungry Ghosts and the local council.

Klang Valley is back to normality after the festive break.

We are in the midst of festive open houses albeit in a smaller scale. We are also in the midst of the Chinese "hungry ghosts festival" - paying homage to the departed souls of the loved ones. We also celebrate the holy month for the Hindu communities.

This year, all these celebrations are on a much modest scale as we honour the victims of MH17 and remember those missing on MH370.

On returning back from the festive holidays my councillor friends in the Petaling Jaya City Council had a major issue at hand.

They discovered that there was to be made public the city's proposed ammendments to the town plans. The public were to be invited to state their objections to these proposals, if any or to indicate their support and comments.

On its own, this is what is legally required of the council. However, these proposed ammendments were not  informed to the councillors first, thus they raised objections.

The proposals were discussed and at that point there were some issues objected by the councillors. The state authority however decided to proceed with the proposals having noted the councillors objections.

Thus the council were instructed to publicly display these ammendments.

The councillors decision to issue a press  statememt distancing themselves from the proposed ammendments than did not go well with the mayor and the council directors.

I hope that in this confusion we have not lost sight of the fact that the law has to be respected and service to the community remains priority. Also the independence of the third tier of governance must be seen to be so.

Nevertheless, I hope concerned residents will take the opportunity to understand the future city plans and to give their comments as necessary: the city's future is at stake.

A bigger issue that arose after the festive break is about the Mentri Besar of Selangor. He was asked to resign and be replaced by the party president.

He refused to make way and thus ensued a very much public washing of dirty personal and party laundry.

It concluded with very dirty laundry waste water being thrown into the public domain: the MB was sacked from his party.

For me, its not if the MB is guilty or not of the speculated shortcomings. His appointment as the state's chief executive was by the political party thus he should now also abide by the decision of the party ie to resign.

The PR coalition is bound by their commitment to the voters for a clean transparent government. Thus if there is even an ounce of suspicion of some questionable deals, it is the coalition's duty to act.

And act they did: however it did not go well with some of the public simply because of how events came about.

Nevertheless I applaud the party and the coalition for daring to do the right thing even if it means facing the wrath of the voters.

I pray for common sense to prevail, looking at the end, the objectives. Stay focused and together we can still bring on the changes we are striving to bring.

I also pray that we wash off the dirty laundry water from the streets and move on.

Lets conclude Syawal and the special months in both the Chinese and Hindu calendars in a positive step.

Let us prepare to be one in honouring the victims of MH17 as their bodies are brought home, remembering them but not and never forgetting the missing MH370 and all on board.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Haze n PAS

On this quiet second day of Syawal, I sit looking out into a hazy sky.

Over coffee and a slice of cheese cake, I reflect upon the leaked PAS Whatsapp group message. It is disturbing and is not something to be taken lightly.

However, it is also not something for leaders to start giving irresponsible responses without first thinking twice. It would be utterly irresponsible for iindividuals to start picking political points with insensitive responses.

I begin with the person who leaked the message. It is irresponsible and a breach of confidence. He or she is a part of a closed group and owes it to the group to keep confidential the exchanges.

PAS must immediately begin an internal investigation to find out who leaked it and take appropriate action.

In this electronic and cyber era, every user must take extra precaution in what we type and what we share.

I recall the incident in Selangor where the former speaker sent out a message to the EXCOs not knowing a sacked EXCO's number was not deleted from the group.

So yes, damage done and PAS must take the necessary action which is the least expected of the party. We cannot fault PAS for what an individual member did but we can fault the party if they choose to be silent.

Now lets look at the content of the leaked message. It is a very negative message but by and large it is certainly not a new revelation.

The opinion expressed is very much something many are thinking too. I repeat, it is an opinion and in this case an individual's opinion.

What is sad though, it is from a leader of a PR component party. 

It is certainly not a Party position and the leadership must immediately distance themselves from the opinion. This is similar also to an earlier personal opinion of no less than the president himself. For the Party, an elegant silence is not an option, it is like pouring salt on the wound.

PAS must immediately clarify their stand and take disciplinary action against the individual if necessary. I repeat, "if necessary".

I believe that the individual is entitled to his personal opinion, now made public. He expresses his opinion to his peers and they can discuss it and perhaps convince him otherwise. We as the public, cannot and must not dictate how PAS manages their Party.

However, we have the powerful right of a vote during the elections. If PAS chooses the put this same individual as a candidate and the people chooses to vote for him, than GOD help us.

Likewise, the same goes for the lady MP who spoke during the special Parliament session on MH17, that its the wrath of GOD in action. Surely her Party would not be fielding her at the next election but if they do, let the voters speak.

The next step that must be taken is for PAS top leadership to explain to the top PR council. The council should jointly release a communique and put the matter to rest.

I pray for an immediate joint PR press release because any delay is like blowing into a smouldering fire. It creates smoke adding to a hazy situation.

As with the haze, it will go in a few days. Meanwhile we wear a mask.

Similarly, in the political scenario, I pray PR component Party members will cover their mouth too and speak less but listen more to what the "opponents" are saying. We arm ourselves with more information and watch the action taken by PAS.

In a few days the political haze should clear too. If it does not, than we take the next step, we make rain to clear the skies. We exercise our democratic rights to clear our political haze.

Stay indoors, read and research. Brighter days are ahead.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Syawal 1435H

Wishing a blessed Eid Fitri to everyone. Here is a pictorial tribute to all.

Monday, July 14, 2014

My thoughts for July

Midway through Ramadhan and we celebrate Germany winning the World Cup, with dark rings round our eyes.

We also read about the atrocities in Gaza, the killings and are reminded of the evil that men can do.

Indonesia rides through the rough sea of uncertainty following a nail biting election with both sides claiming victory.

Closer to home, a new group Negara Ku is set to stir patriotism and to bring unity back to Malaysia. This same group is also getting certain groups agitated claiming NegaraKu is out to create problems and not unity.

And of course I celebrated my 51st birthday with family and friends over a few separate occassions. Each celebration being unique and special. I also managed a visit to Wat Arun amd Wat Po in Bangkok.

So whats my thoughts for July. Whats my reflection?

July always bring back memories of TeohBengHock and all those who died in custody. I am particularly touched and affected with TBH's case. In particular I am concerned with the welfare of the assisstants and officers of the PR elected representatives, of which I am one of them.

These PAs, are being paid meagre allowances for a difficult responsibility. Those working in the State Secretariat in the EXCO offices are perhaps better off. Those serving in the service centers are mostly living below minimum wage allowances.

They continue to serve because most are dedicated to the struggle to see CHANGE, to build a better Malaysia.

What is sad to see is how the community sees and treats the assistants. They see us as servants to shout at, to hassle and to vent their frustrations. The civil servants too show little respect to these PAs.

However, when they see the elected representative, they treat the YB like semi God. These same people who hassle the PAs and expect the PA to listen and run around for them.

It should be remembered that YBs were elected by the voters to represent them and to serve the community. The YBs are paid a salary and allowance for their services. Not all PAs and assistants  are full time salaried staff. Many are volunteers out to make a contribution to society.

Our communities should learn to respect all who serve in whatever position they are at. YBs should be given due respect but not treated like God. We should remember, its the team that ultimately determines how well the YB serves.

So this July my thoughts are for the services of the PR representatives personal assistants and officers. May they have the strength to continue their services with or without any appreciation from society.

I pray for peace for the soul of TeohBengHock, a political assistant who paid the ultimate price for his services.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Punishing beggars and soup kitchens?

Beggars on the city's streets are indeed an eyesore. Likewise, homeless sleeping on five foot ways and park benches are a reality in cities all over the world.

However, it is only in Malaysia where we attempt to bring beggars and the homeless to court and fine them instead of solving the underlying social problem. Adding salt to the wound, we are also contemplating penalising and arresting the volunteer care givers and the soup kitchens.

The excuse given is to "clean up" the city especially the tourism belt.

Take a walk down Jalan Bukit Bintang, from Pavilion towards Federal Hotel after dusk. What greets you on your journey?
On your left, one is left with a narrow uncovered passage way. Taking up what should have been a safe comfortable pedestrian way are cafes and money changer kiosks etc. These should not have been allowed by DBKL in the first place.

On the opposite side of the road, families with very young children are there all along the pavements selling fake "branded" watches. Unattended children are moving in and around the cars selling roses. I would guess many of these families are illegal immigrants forced onto the streets by circumstances or probably even by syndicates. Is this issue being looked at and addressed?

Take a look at the shops and you cannot miss noticing that almost all are middle eastern restaurants with not a single Malaysian face on their staff.  How could this even be allowed by DBKL licensing department and the Immegration authorities?

Your walk from Pavillion to Federal Hotel has only just started.

Cross the traffic lights over to Macdonalds amidst the MRT construction site in the middle leaving just a small passage for pedestrians.
You now have to struggle through a maze of scantilly dressed ladies of all ages, each waving a pieces of laminated paper into your face. And into your ears, each of these foreign ladies will be whispering "masas sir, masas. good masas".

You succeed out of the maze and you have men walking alongside you offering, " beautiful girls, can choose: have thailand, china russia, all have, young girl"

You ignore them and continue walking. The men having been ignored will ask, "mister, you no like girl, we have boy, strong muscle boy, lady boy, anything you like". You are now close to losing your patience and wanting to tell the guys to leave you alone.

On the opposite side of the road, you notice every shop is a reflexology center but here you do see a fair share of Malaysian faces.

On the right side you have either budget hotels or middle eastern restaurants. Your pathway is again a maze of scatilly dressed ladiea waving that familiar laminated sheets of massage menu.

You do wonder if you are in Malaysia or in some cosmopolitan city somewhere else on the planet. Suddenly you are brought back to Malaysia as you see the familiar PappaRich cafe.

Opposite that, you have reached your destination, the Federal Hotel an iconic Malaysian landmark, built to house our VIP guests at our Independence Day celebrations in 1957.

That walk from Pavillion to the Federal Hotel brought you the mixed and vibrant life of Bukit Bintang. It also exposed you to the many ahortfalls of our authorities in enforcing the laws. Or perhaps, its deliberately ignored to allow enforcement officers the opportunity to "improve" their income. Surely they cannot be blind to all that is going on around them.

The mushroomig of budget hotels too are a great source of income. Im guessing that more than half of the rooms are taken by foreign sex workers both male and female as their work places.

So to the Federal Territories Minister talking about "cleaning up the city", there, thats your work cut out for you. Sort out the illegal businesses, illegal foreign workers.

The homeless and the soup kitchens and volunteer care givers should not be your target. Do not seek cheap publicity by "bullying" your own people but kow towing to illegal exploitative foreigners.

Or worse still do not attempt to create a smoke screen around DBKL's failures in building a safe , clean tourism belt that all Malaysians can be proud of.

Go take a walk down Bukit Bintang this weekend.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Ramadhan thoughts.

On this the eve of Ramadhan 1435H, I woke up to the news of the cow head thrown at the gate of a DAP state assembly person's house in Penang. This same representative had earlier used the term "celaka" on UMNO.

This incident is sad enough on its own but the worse came later in the morning. A federal minister commented that the DAP representative deserved the cow head for having a loud mouth.

What has this country got to?

Just when you thought that things cannot get worse, JAIS (the state religious body for ISLAM) issues a statement that they will not return the bibles siezed from the Malaysian Bible Society. This despite the Attorney General's decision that JAIS has erred in siezing the bibles and the State government's instructions to return the bibles.

So as we approach the holy month of Ramadhan, it looks like the "defenders of Islam" are all out to disgrace the religion.
Islam teaches forgiveness and respect. It teaches tolerance and sensitivity.

However, what we see done by Muslims certainly run contrary to the teachings.
Nevertheless, lets pray that they will come back to their senses this holy month. May their fullfilment of their religious obligation to fast bring peace, love and respect to their hearts and soul.

Fasting is not just to abstain from food but to appreciate the suffering and challenges that those less fortunate have to endure. In appreciating it , our hearts are open to care, to love and to give.

However, one important element tends to gt forgotten and that is to live in moderation.

I wish JAIS and those defenders of Islam will come out with strong statements against waste and excessive spending on lavish Buka Puasa feasts and the likes.

Yes, coming together to break fast is encouraged but it must be in moderation and to always remember the less fortunate.

I wish all my Muslim and non Muslim friends a blessed Ramadhan. May GOD give us the strength and  courage to fulfil this religious obligation that it will bless our soul and make us better people that bring glory and not disgrace to GOD.

Im off now to celebrate Ramadhan eve with a visit to Masjid Jamek, to draw in the sight, the sound, the smell and the spirit of Ramadhan with my Muslim brethrens.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Petaling Jaya Folklore Festival

The Petaling Jaya City Council had successfully organised an International Folklore Festival in conjunction with their City Day celebration from 20th to 22nd June 2014.

I congratulate the City Council for a successful festival bringing cultural troupes from 14 countries plus many local troops from across the country.
Pre opening events were organised throughout the city at shopping malls with pocket performances. These pocket shows culminated with a grand opening which included street performances officiated by no less than the Mentri Besar himself.

What is significant for me about these performances is that culture unites us from across the world. We may have different instruments, colours, movements and language but we unite in rhythm and energy. We unite in a common language of music and a common story of love and unity.

Even within Malaysia, each state showcases their own unique cultural performances. Each tells a story of its own history but all reminds us the common uniting theme of respect, love and unity.

Yes it was a great week for me. I took the effort to interact with the performers from all over. I enjoyed the performances even more because I learnt the significance of the music, the movements and the story they were telling.

Well done Petaling Jaya!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A child in need...

My son Darryl lost his handphone whilst playing basketball this aftrnoon.

He left his phone and his wallet on the bench whilst playing basketball with two others.

After the game, he discovered that his phone was missing along with RM50 from his wallet. The wallet was not taken.

Darryl and his friends suspected it was taken by one of their other friend who was loitering around when they were playing. But without proof, it remained a suspicion.

Later in the evening, he tried going to a nearby phone shop known to the family. Yes, his stolen phone was there, sold to the shop earlier on by a young boy for RM150.

CCTV recording showed it is his friend. The shop called the boy and told him to return the RM150 or a police report will be made. The boy immediately returned the money and pleaded for forgiveness.

He said he stole the phone as he needed money to pay for his tuition. He normally works for his tuition fee but have no job at the moment.

At only 16 years old, this boy has to take such steps to pay for tuition. The bigger question is why should he need tuition if our school system is sufficient.

This is a really sad situation for this young boy to go through. However he must still learn that theft is theft is wrong no matter your reason.

I can find it in my heart to forgive him but I sure hope that both he and Darryl will not forget this lesson in life.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

To YB or not to YB

Surrendran has correctly highlighted the issue of honourifics amongst our elected representatives.

Yes, we refer to our elected representatives as YB: short for Yang Berhormat. The English equivalent would be The Honourable MP or representative of a given constituency.

These honourifics is in itself not wrong. It is a title of reference and respect for the people, not so much for the person.

What I find amusing and at times rather nonsensical how each of these representative would call each other YB in the Parliament. Yes, they all have the same name. It is not surprising that occasionally one would also forget the real given name of the person.

I would propose that the protocol in the House would be to refer to each other with the name of their constituency instead of YB.

The honourific YB is a formal salutation and restricted to use in formal events. In a formal event, the MC would refer to the elected representative as YB. Similarly, in dealings with government agencies, the YB is there as an elected representative and thus should be refered to as such. It is respecting the choice of the people more than just the person.

The elected representative should not and must not expect the constituents to refer to them as YB. However, in many instances it is the constituents themselves that uses the term as a form of social respect and there is nothing wrong with it.

The representative need not go around correcting his constituents. However the YB can sometimes remind his constituents to call him his name instead of YB.

If a representative is constantly on the ground and close to the constituents, it would be quite natural to be seen as a friend and be refered to as such, ie with his name.

Our elected representative should not feel overly egoistic and glow when refered to as YB by the man on the street. Many times, it is also meant to be a sarcastic term of reference for YB can also mean Yang Bodoh, Yang Biadap.

Thus lets not turn this matter into a storm in a tea cup. To YB or not to YB, let's just leave it to the individuals.

It is much more important that the elected representatives carry out the duties and serving the constituency.

By doing so than they deserve to be refered to as YB:  Yang Berkhidmat.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

June 2014, here we come

I bid farewell to the late Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak n congratulate HRH Raja Dr Nazrin.

As we enter into June 2014, my thoughts are for the families of MH370. In a weeks time, it would have been 3 months from the disapperance.

Instead of being closer to closure for the families, latest developments bring us back to square one.

The immersat data made available to the families was certainly too little and too late. What was there to hide except incompetence and more incompetence.

Do we than blame the families for being suspicious of the given data. Previously when the cockpit voice recording was released, it turned out to have been doctored.

Therefore this raw data from immersat is seen very much as "cooked" instead of raw. Nevertheless, we await analysis reports from experts which hopefully can help find MH370.

How have I personally felt over this 3 months since the disappearance of MH370?

I have of course been approached by many different media from various countries for an interview. These interviews would probably be done next weekend.

Whilst in previous interviews I have given my remarks as a friend of Captain Zaharie, limiting my comments to details of him as a pilot and a friend.

After 3 months with no where near to a closure, I would now express my disappointment with the incompetence and unprofessionalism of our authorities.

I did not believe in theories of a conspiracy but with developments over the past 3 months, I am thinking otherwise.

Inside me, I have accepted the fact that Captain Zaharie is no longer with us but without a trace of wreakage, I keep a little candle of hope burning.

One fact remains constant in my mind, conspiracy or otherwise, Captain Zaharie is a victim and not a part of it, neither a terrorist nor a fanatic. He remains a caring husband, father and a sincere friend. I am proud that he shares with me a common interest as a fan of democracy.

Captain, you are no longer here, and yes democracy here is dead. But our search for MH370 continues and our struggle to resurrect democracy here goes on.

Bless our struggle for a Better Malaysia.

Al fatihah

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

In Malaysia, its all kinds of everything

The past week has been a very interesting week in Malaysia both politically and socially.

Two by-elections ongoing and political protests with threats of violence and spiked with racial slurs.

Malaysian ministers making even more stupid remarks and outright electoral bribes.

But the week ended late into Sunday night with all Malaysians glued to their television sets with one heart. Sadly, the dream of bringing back the Thomas Cup remained a dream in a nail bitting point by point final set.

We moved from Ramkarpal Singh to Dyana dan ended the week with Liew Darren on the tips of our tongues.

Congratulations to Ramkarpal for being elected MP. I have full confidence he will be yet another vocal MP in the Dewan Rakyat. Let the tiger's  roar continue through Ramkarpal.

Congratulations to TeamMalaysia for uniting Malaysians with a common dream. You may not have won the Cup but TeamMalaysia certainly won the hearts of Malaysians.

However, in the midst of the good news, the week also saw the worst of a few Malaysians.

UMNO youth storming into the Penang State Assembly and the violent protest at DAP head office in KL and Kuantan is embarassing.

It is one thing when disgruntled party members do and say stupid things. However, for leaders to condone such stupidity is most unacceptable.

Condoning such undemocratic behaviour especially giving their blessings to storming the state assembly is just not on.

Adding fuel to fire is when the police, custodians of peace do not seem to be too seriuously concerned with upholding peace and the rule of law.

Party leaders instead of condemnng such action says DAP deserved what they got.

In the same week, we received the sad news that Sr Juliana succumbed to her injuries suffered in the hands of her assailants.

To be robbed and beaten whilst on the way to pray and in the compound of the church is sad indeed. And to loose your life from that injury is so unacceptable but let God's will be done. Im sure Sr Juliana is in a better place, a safer place.

Whilst crime and disrespect to the rule of law amongst Malaysians grow, what did the Minister do?

Minister Zaid went on record to threaten the Peace  Corp (RELA) members: warning them their votes are not secret:  That he knows if they vote the opposition.

He bribed them with new uniforms but only if ruling party's candidate won the Teluk Intan by-elections.

The opposition threw the spanner into the  wheel of the government's election machinery. They named a little known candidate who is young, capable and female. She is also Malay and the constituency is a mixed constituency with traditionally a Chinese representative.

Above it all, Dyana is also sweet and pretty, the government was thrown off balance.

As expected the BN machinery went into defensive mode, playing their racial and sexual inuendo weapon.

However, despite her youth and inexperience, Dyana returned every shot thrown at her. Even the seasoned DAP leaders would not have done any better than this young lady.

The best however remains with Dyana's mother whose words will remain one of  2014's quote of the year.

"I brought up my daughter to be like Mukriz but she ended up like Marina.."

If Dyana had kicked BN to the ground, her mum certainly made sure they remained sprawled.

But the best for this past week is still on MH370 when the Minister responded to why the airforce did not send their jets to intercept aircraft?

"Its a conmercial flight, do you expect us to shoot it down? ..."

Mr Minister, it may be commercial but its not supposed to be where it was. Our jets are supposed to identify it and guide it to safety.

The nation's security comes first and if at risk, YES, you shoot it down: commercial or not. No?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The taxi driver

In the taxi yesterday, driver said he is using a 3rd party permit. He tried for 8 years but cannot get his individual permit.
I replied if change government, all drivers will get individual permits. His reply stunned me.

"jangan tukar kerajaan, nanti perang. lebih baik macam ini masih boleh cari makan sikit. Kalau tukar kerajaan, hancur negara kita.."

He went on to explain that if change government , means the Chinese will run the country, like Singapore. The Malays will be forced into poverty and when Malays are forced to a wall, they will fight back and there will be chaos in the country. Better like this now, country is peaceful, everyone including the Chinese are grateful.

I kept silent and allowed him to keep talking. And there was more revealation.
He said, Chinese are good businessman and dare to gamble. He said in the whole region petrol is over RM4 but in Malaysia less than RM2.

If DAP run the government, petrol price will surely rise. Why sell at RM2 when market is RM4. So when petrol price go up if Chinese (DAP) run the country, the Malays will suffer. No taxi on the road because the Malays cannot afford. So when Malays go hungry, they will rise and fight.

Now UMNO give subsidy it is good although it is bad business for the government. At least Malays control the government not like Singapore where Malays are the poorest but the economy is good.

Than he asked me if I agree despite me having a China face. I just gave him my Apek smile and he continued.

"Walaupun di Malaysia ada banyak yang tak betul, tapi di sini aman. Menteri kita bagus tak macam Singapore minta gaji tinggi tinggi."

We reached my destination and as I got off the taxi he reminded me, "jangan tukar kerajaan, jangan kecoh di jalanraya. Tak guna."

Im still stunned but one fact remains, thats my fellow Malaysian's perception and he makes up 60% of our population.

There is a lot of work to do!