Saturday, October 11, 2014

Of the MB and beer

So its beer season again, yes OktoberFest is back in town!

This event, celebrated without much fanfare in previous years is given much attention this year. Our caring cousins from PAS took offence to a billboard advertising the event.

Thus there were calls that this kind of event promoting beer should be banned. Public outrage against PAS was as expected. However, it was good to see many within PAS spoke out quickly reminding their colleagues that their values cannot be forced upon others.

After much ado over nothing, the event was celebrated as always but this year in a more remote 4th floor carpark instead.

Also this year's event saw an unprecedented turnout of both national and state law makers. Local council councillors also showed up in solidarity. And thus, common sense prevailed, rights respected but with a slight dent.

September ended with Selangor having sworn in a new Mentri Besar. Initial comments were welcoming and with lots of optimism and hope.

Selangorians saw a well presented MB: full of charm and good looks. But these physical attributes were also accompanied by rolled-up sleeves and hands-on approach with him on the ground.

So with a positive first step, we now look forward to real substances beyond the well presented Public Relations exercise. The truth is in the tasting.

I am looking forward to Azmin Ali's first budget presentation and his first real policy decision after all these initial high.

My sincere prayers and best wishes to the new MB of Selangor.

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