Sunday, March 22, 2009

from the files....

I refer to your article in the Metro today:
Councillor questions Hannah Yeoh seating at place reserved for councillors

It saddens me that the newly appointed councillor, refered to in the article does not really understand his role and responsibilities. As a councillor, he should concentrate more on his job within the council and community during the meetings than picking on such irrelevant matters.
The fact that an elected representative of the people had taken the effort to sit-in as an observer should be applauded. As a guest at the meeting, the YB or for that matter any other concerned resident, that attends the meetings, should be treated as a guest. In our culture, we treat our guests with respect and will provide them with all necessary necessities to make their visit comfortable.
Therefore, when staff members of the council gave her the seat where a socket is available for her laptop, there is nothing inappropriate about it.
The fact that the councillor brought up the matter, either for reasons of embarassing the YB or whatever reasons, is most inappropriate.
I pray that such incident will not happen again, and that councillors will concentrate on more important matters. The MPSJ council is not a place for playing politics and the role of the councillors is to serve the community. If any councillor feels that they cannot accept such a role and responsibility, ie serving the community; than they should do the right thing and resign. The council is not an avenue for the councillors to glorify themselves or be used as a platform for political advancements.