Wednesday, April 30, 2008

of parliament and live telecasts

I turned on my television set this morning with full anticipation of watching history in the making. My pride turned to disappointment which turned to disgust!

Our parliamentary sitting was being televised live for the first time. It is indeed a step forward although it is only for 30 minutes.

I took offence when the speaker refused supplementary questions because the question time was being telecast. It was not mentioned as such but it was in a way implied. Now, my point is, whether there is live telecast or otherwise, the proceedings should be carried out accordingly. Proper procedures should be followed irrespective of telecast or not!

The cameras are there so that the Rakyat can catch a glimpse of what is actually happening in the august house. The MP’s do not need to be actors for the camera as they are not there as artists but as the people’s representative!

Infact, the speaker himself seems to be playing to the cameras by disallowing supplementary questions for fear of lack of time. It would also appear that the line up of questions and the prepared texts of replies too were being planned for the cameras.
This should not be so.

What was worse was the news that followed this morning’s telecast. The Information minister was considering to cancel the live broadcast.

Shabery said he would not allow the proceedings to be telecast live in full until the Opposition MPs start behaving like “first class MPs”.
“They act like third class MPs, which was proven today, and I feel that to broadcast it in full would be a waste of taxpayers' money. Maybe some people like to see the circus, but Parliament is not a circus,” he said. (The STAR)
What we saw on television was only of the MP’s both government and opposition acting and behaving as they actually do. There is nothing wrong is letting the rakyat see this, uncensored. If MP’s choose to misbehave in Parliament, so be it; let the rakyat, the people who voted them in, decide their fate at the next elections. It is not for the Minister to decide for the rakyat!
If the people decide after watching the way Gobind stood up to defend a point of principle, that he is wrong, let the Puchong people tell him. If the people in Rembau felt offended with pictures of their MP, pointing fingers rudely at something in the august house, let them do the necessary!
Malaysians have grown up! Let the ministers and MPs remember that. The MPs would be held responsible for their own actions on and off cameras. Our leaders should not insult our intelligence and make decisions for us!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Good Old Days - bring it back!

I remember that I used to enjoy going to visit my friends living in the kampong located behind our house in Penang. It was a mixed race kampong. We were living in the government bungalows at Lahad Road; our house help, the trishaw pakcik and others were from that kampong.

All the bungalows in the area including the low rise apartments had no fencing. Similarly, the houses in the kampong too did not have any fencing. Most of the time, the doors to our house, as well as to the other houses both the bungalows and those in the kampong were left open. Perhaps this is what Open House really means.

Everything was peaceful; very few cases of housebreaking and theft. As children, we were running in and out of each others homes. We enjoyed our childhood. We were blessed with the life and soul of community living.

I recall how when my friends went through their passage to adulthood ceremony; the circumcision, the other boys were there to lend our moral support. When they had their religious classes, we were hanging around outside waiting for them to finish so we can go back to being the police or thief.

Today, we still have this kampong, community living atmosphere in the cities. We call them apartments or condominiums. The compound are fenced-up with private security guards on duty. Despite the fencing and guards, most of our doors are kept tightly shut with perhaps two or three sets of high quality locks and latches!

We call this progress and development but in truth we are losing our freedom, we are caging ourselves. Our confined space than contributes towards increasing our stress levels and blood pressure. We hardly know our neighbours; and when we do meet them it is just that pretentious smile and a quick hi-bye routine.

Lets ask ourselves; if you are out and something is being delivered to your home, do you have your neighbours telephone number? Can you call him/her to accept the item on your behalf first? Oh, by the way, do you even know who your neighbour is? Sad isn’t it?

I have been going round many apartments and condominiums meeting owners and residents to share information about the formation on the Joint Management Body to manage these properties. I always have the same feeling in these places be it a middle cost apartment or in a high end condominium.

I always get the feeling that many residents are suspicious of each other. Many residents know the face but do not really recall their neighbours name. Infact, if they bump into each other on the streets, they may not acknowledge each other.

Where is that community spirit – that good old kampong, all neighbours are my family feel? I say the fault lies within each and everyone of us. Lets get out of our shell; bring back that glorious good old days of true My Community, My Family. RUKUN TETANGA, Semangat Muhibbah!

Gobind - The True Statesman

I attended the briefing at MPSJ today, chaired by the MP of Puchong.
The briefing was concerning the impact of traffic to Taman Wawasan due to the SETIA WALK Project.

Residents were opposed to the Traffic Light proposed by the developer. An alternative was proposed by the residents.

The chairman wasted no time in addressing the issues at hand. He took no nonsence from either the developers, their consultants nor the residents. The way he conducted the meeting, the questions he posed left no doubt in anyone's mind that this man means business!

If indeed and I believe he will, carry this to the Parliament, I have no doubt that the Rakyat's voice will be heard. To the people of Puchong, CONGRATULATIONS! for putting a great man to be your representative in Parliament.

Keep your eyes and ears glued to the parliamentary sittings - and watch out for this man, your MP - YB Gobind Singh Deo!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Vision and Prayer

And finally the Selangor State Assembly members have been sworn in. They are now officially the elected members – the Wakil Rakyat.

Congratulations to all – specially to the New Speaker and Deputy Speaker. Indeed, history has been created. This truly is the change that the Rakyat is looking for when we exercised our vote on 8th March 2008.

The new State government must also remember their role is to serve the Rakyat. Thus it is the welfare of the Rakyat that comes first before anything else. Therefore, the appointments of individuals to positions of responsibility should have this as its priority over and above the political loyalty.

It is therefore most commendable for the Penang Chief Minister to appoint a member from the opposition coalition into some of the state’s agencies. It is putting the people’s welfare first – putting the best man, in his opinion, - for the job.

I sincerely hope the Selangor State Government would also be doing this. Even having a member from BN as councillor in the local governments would be a good thing. It can automatically be a check and balance; good governance and transparency!

We must not forget that we are all human and have our own individual weaknesses. Power can corrupt as we have seen it happen before. We cannot allow that to happen again in our community. Therefore, the new State Government should put in place measures to self-check themselves and what better way than appointing even BN members into the state agencies.

Ultimately, and I repeat it again – it is the welfare of the Rakyat – that is paramount.

It is thus very sad and disappointing to read about the seating arrangements in the Johore State Assembly. Opposition ADUNs were given seats right at the back. We must not forget that Opposition and the Ruling Party, jointly become what we call and respect as Democracy. The Opposition must be given the due respect being a component of Democracy.

The Opposition’s role is the check and balance in the system of democracy. They should rightly be placed right in front, opposite the leaders of the ruling party. If the Johore State Assembly cannot even respect this basic principle, than they have not respected the principles of Democracy: they have not respected the rights of the Rakyat.

Even after 50 years, there is yet so much more for all of us to learn. I am sure I speak for the Rakyat when I say, all is not lost yet! Let’s keep on moving ahead after that giant leap we took on the 8th of March 2008.

BN, PR and the Rakyat, to paraphrase a quote from the Prime Minister, Let’s not work for anyone, but let’s work together; for our nation, our Malaysia.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I SUPPORT 100% - Are you with me?

Hey, let’s cut this racial crap. Let’s get rid of all this bullshit. We will fight for the release of the HINDRAF 5 because they are innocent victims, not because they are Indians.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

What’s with this FREE THE HINDRAF 5 campaign? Hey, I too support the HINDRAF 5. I too want them freed. But I do not agree to a FREE THE HINDRAF 5 AND ONLY THE HINDRAF 5 campaign. I want to see a FREE ALL ISA DETAINEES AND ABOLISH THE ISA campaign. Is that too much to ask for? And why should I not want to ask for that?

Since the ISA became law in 1960, an estimated 6,000-10,000 people have been detained under this draconian detention without trial law. No one knows the correct figure because the government does not reveal the actual figures -- so we can only make an educated guesstimation. But we act as if only five Indians were ever detained under the ISA. Hey, hear this, an estimated 6,000-10,000 Malaysians have been detained under the ISA, not just five Indians. And do you know how many still languish in the Kamunting Detention Centre? And how many are there still in Simpang Renggam under Emergency Ordinance detention, all victims of detention without trial because there is no evidence to put them on trial?

I also hear shouts calling for the detention of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad under the ISA. I am against that. If the ISA is wrong then it is wrong. We can’t use a wrong law to do what we think is the right thing and then try to pretend it is right. Rape and murder is wrong. But if we arrest a foreign spy who works against the interest of this nation, can we then rape and murder her and then say it is right because she is an enemy of the state? Wrong is wrong and can never be right, whatever the reason we may have in doing that particular wrong deed.

Okay, today, five Indians have spent the last few months under ISA detention. Yes, five Indians who are alleged to be dangerous people who have links with Sri Lanka Tamil Elam terrorists and who plan to bomb and kill innocent Malaysians. But Malaysians do not believe this allegation. Malaysians do not trust the government’s version of the ‘truth’. Malaysians know that this allegation is false. The only reason these five Indians have been detained is because they oppose the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government.

What about the scores of others who are still under detention in Kamunting, some for more than six or seven years? They too have been accused of having links with international terrorists groups. They too are alleged to have planned to bomb and kill Malaysians. But no one cares about them. If they are Malay-Muslims then the allegations must be true. But if they are Indian-Hindus then the allegation is false. We can believe that the government will detain Malay-Muslims because they are really and truly terrorists and the government is not lying. But when it comes to Indian-Hindus then the government is lying.

Do you know that many Malays have been detained under ISA just because they left Islam to become Christians? Do you know that many Malays have been detained under ISA because they do not follow the Sunni sect of Islam but believe in the Shi’a or some other sect? And these people are not ‘stupid’ kampong people. These people are university lecturers and professors who are well-educated and well-read and, after much research, decided that some other religion or some other sect of Islam is more accurate and correct.

No, not only five Indians are still in Kamunting. Many others are there as well. And you people reading this do not even know how many are still in Kamunting. And you also do not know why they are still in Kamunting. And you do not know because you do not care. But you know about the HINDRAF 5. That is because you only care about the HINDRAF 5. And you do not care about the others because they are not Indians.

Hey, let’s cut this racial crap. Let’s get rid of all this bullshit. We will fight for the release of the HINDRAF 5 because they are innocent victims, not because they are Indians. And we must also fight for the release of all the others because they too are innocent victims, just like the HINDRAF 5.

And what about BSA Tahir? He too has spent many years under ISA detention? What was his crime? None! Is he a threat to national security? No! Is he a danger to Malaysia? No! Did he plan to bomb and kill Malaysians? No! Then why is he under ISA detention? He is under ISA detention because he was the adviser to the Prime Minister’s son’s company and they exported centrifuges to Libya. Why is that considered a crime? It is considered a crime because Libya is not America’s friend. But if Libya were America’s friend then that would not pose a problem and it would not be a crime.

So, BSA Tahir will be under ISA detention until the day Libya kisses and makes up with America. So, until then, we shall fight for the release of the five Indians but not for the release of BSA Tahir or the many Malays who are also under ISA detention just because they wanted freedom of religious beliefs.

No, I will not support the fight for the release of the HINDRAF 5 if the fight is because they are Indians. I will support the fight for the release of the HINDRAF 5 if the fight is because the ISA is cruel and NO ONE should be detained without trial. And that would include everyone still in Kamunting, not just the five Indians.

Friday, April 18, 2008


There will be a Hearing at MPSJ on the Traffic Woes at Pusat Bandar Puchong due to the SETIA WALK Project.
Representatives of Pusat Bandar Puchong will be in attendance to propose a few alternatives to help minimise the potential traffic problems.
The Hearing will be attended by YB Teresa Kok, the ADUN for Kinrara.

MPSJ - Level 1
2:30pm - Thursday, 24th April

MOVE ON - An Open Letter to the YB's

It has now been over one month since the PRU-12. The Federal and State governments have been formed. However, it is sad to note all kinds of blaming and excuses, analysis and explanations on why some have lost and others won. We read this everyday in all the main stream media as well as in the alternative media in cyberspace.

Whether it is the Barisan National or Pakatan Rakyat ruling, one thing remains; we are still an Asian community with great and admirable culture. One of these is the fact that our culture teaches us to learn from our mistakes. Our culture also teaches us not to gloat over our victories.

Therefore, it is sad to read the news of how our politicians still refuse to admit defeat and learn. Instead, some choose to live in denial. I quote Marina Mahathir in her column: Living in Denial

"Denial is a dangerous trait to have because it blinds us to problems we need to confront in order to solve them"

To those who lost, dare to admit it, dare to fail. There is absolutely nothing wrong in failure but everything wrong when we do not learn from it. It is only when they learn and change that they may win the next time round!

Similarly, for those who won, that victory comes with a lot of responsibilities. All eyes are on you to perform and deliver. The priority is to deliver first and than to correct the previous mistakes; not fault finding to punish and gain political mileage. The same people that voted you in can also vote you out; and it is these same people who voted you in, who is watching you. You owe it to the rakyat to perform and deliver.

Therefore, I urge all parties to practice our Asian culture; learn from our mistakes and be humble with our victories.

Most important of all, let us move ahead. We cannot afford to have our country to remain on election mode and be static, whilst the rest of the world moves ahead. When this happens, it actually means that we have gone backwards. We cannot afford for this to happen.

So to all elected representatives – even when you have not been sworn-in yet, you have a duty to perform. And you were elected to represent the people, not your political bosses. Get a move on; proof your worth. To those who were not elected this time round, remember, during your campaign, you promised to serve; even in defeat, you can still serve!

Hidup Malaysia, Maju Malaysia! Malaysia-ku Gemilang!