It has been 3 months since my last posting. The past 3 months have been interesting, challenging and thought provoking. Now on the 3rd day of syawal, after a very relaxing short break, i sit reflecting on what I have gone through.
I start with my sad reflection of my nation's 54th Independent year.
I call it Independence Day and not Freedom or National Day. It is certainly not National Day as Malaysia was not formed on 31st Aug nor was she formed in 1957. On this date and year, the Brits left our homeland but the rakyat did not grt their freedom. Malaya was free from British colonisation, but Malaysia was yet to be formed.
Thus, we commemorate our Independence but we certainly do not celebrate our National Day nor is there cause to celabrate our freedom or Merdeka.
I noticed there are very few Jalur Gemilang flying either on vehicles or on buildings. This is despite the government's concerted effort to encourage people to fly the flag.
This is a loud and clear message from the people that the government should be listening to and respecting it. There is indeed little to celebrate but a whole lot to reflect on.
Apakah ertinya kemerdekaan apabila negara kita masih dalam keadaan darurat?
Apakah ertinya kemerdekaan kalau rakyat tidak bebas bersuara atau berhimpun secara aman?
I certainly see that the state of our nation today is because those who came before us chose to be silent.
Can we continue to be silent? A regime will continue to rule with little care and respect for the rights of the people if the people continue to be silent for whatever reason: fear, ignorance or simply because they are not bothered.
I appeal to my fellow Malaysians to give serious consideration to what kind of a nation you want to leave for your children and the next generation.
We cannot afford to remain silent. We owe it to our children to leave for them a nation that is truly independent and free where there is justice and rule of law.
We must give oud children a cause to fly the Jalur Gemilang with pride and to celebrate MERDEKA!
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