Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Himpunan Hijau

I had the honour of marching with the Green Warriors of Himpunan Hijau.

I joined them on the 27km walk from Lancang to Karak Town and again from Gombak to Tmn Melawati and the final day, Melawati to Dataran Merdeka.

It was a very satisfying and emotional experience doing my part for a cleaner and safer Malaysia.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I walked with Himpuna Hijau

On Monday, 19th November, 2012, I walked with Himpunan Hijau: the Kuantan based Anti-Lynas group.

Himpunan Hijau is walking 300km from Kuantan to Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, objecting to the issuance of a license for LYNAS to operate their rare earth factory in Gebeng, Pahang. I drove over to Lancang together with Eddie on Sunday night with plans to join Himpunan Hijau on their 27km Lancang to Karak walk. We arrived at the rendevous point around midnight.

We found that the rendevous point is in fact the kampung home of a PKR party leader. All the walkers were already asleep, in the sitting room and dining room of this modest home. We were met by Sdr Wong who was also waiting for another two supporters who were on the way from Johore Baru.

Eddie and myself decided not to disturb the rest, so we slept in the car.

I was up by 6:00am when I heard vehicles arriving, ferrying the other walkers who were staying at another house nearby. By 7:00am, the whole compound was alive with activities.

One local supporter arrived with chilled birds-nest whilst breakfast of Nasi Lemak, tea and coffee also arrived.

By 8:00am everyone was awake and all ready to start day-7 of their 14day journey. Before this mornings walked we were told the significance of Lancang, the birth place of Mat Kilau; who stood up against the oppression of the British colonial powers.

This was an inspiration indeed for the walkers who than made out placards remembering Mat Kilau's struggles. The walk started at 9:30am after the DOA was read for the safety of all walkers. First stop was the ancestral home of Mat Kilau, now occupied by his grand children. The group made a symbolic stop here for a group photo.

The group of about 70 of mixed cultural backgroud, made periodic stops along the way to rest and for refreshments. I was most impressed and touched by the efforts of the course marshals and wardens who did everything they could to make the journey safe and pleasant for the walkers.

There were mineral water, isotonic drinks, bread and fruits placed along the way for the walkers. Even plastic garbage bags were there to ensure cleanliness and for recycling of mineral water bottles and tin cans. Simply perfect.

The morning part of the walk was very pleasant with nice cool weather and cloudy skies, by 11:30 the sun was out and thus the need for shade and straw hats made their appearance supplied by these angelic marshals. By the time we reached our LUNCH pit-stop, all the exposed parts of my body was red from the sun but not quite burnt yet.

Thus the bus stop provided great shelter for all of us and the toilet facility brought a smile to my tired face. We enjoyed a simple lunch of rice with chicken, meat and vegetables plus nice cold Herbal Tea provided by a local supporter. As we prepared to continue our journey to Karak, we could see dark clouds in the horizon.

With that sight, out came the rain coats, distributed by the ever smiling and encouraging marshals. With raincoats on, we continued walking and not long after we started, it poured: showers of blessings indeed. The rain and cooler temperature was a relief for me.

This afternoon leg of the journey was going to be more difficult as tiredness would surely come. My legs were beginning to be painful especially on my left inner thigh. The calf of both legs too were beginning to hurt and Perskindol muscle spray came-in really handy. We stopped for a short break some 6km from Karak town.

Here a group of about 30 people teenagers and middle age aunties all in their Anti Lynas T shirts welcomed us with more Herba Tea, Redbull and fresh coconut juice. At this point, I could no longer feel my legs anymore. The knowledge that our destination is just a little way ahead and the town people were already gathered to welcome us was an inspiration and a motivation to forget the pain, tiredness and to move on.

Our last stop before entering Karak town was about 1.5km away from our final destination of the day. This is a significant entrance as Karak is the hometown of Wong Tuck. We will be walking into Karak Town as one big united family, by this time our group had grown to about 100 with those that had joined us along the way. We kicked off this final lap with a rousing Hidup Suara Rakyat shout and onward we marched.

We also started this final leg with Suara Rakat Laungankan, Kilang Lynas Hancurkan, Lombong Cyanide Hancurkan, Sg Baram Kekalkan, Kita Bangkit dan Lawan and Kita Jalan dan Lawan! With this as our inspiration and motivation we walked into Karak Town full of pride and a great sense of achievement. The sight of the local crowd including children and the elderly brought tears to my eyes. We stopped at the gates of Wong Tuck's former school where the local representative garlanded their local hero.

And as we walked into town towards the Chinese Temple, residents lined the streets, shop keepers and customers came out of their shops, cheered and clapped their encouragement. We reached the temple grouds tired, hungry, relieved and satisfied. For me this has been one experience that I will ever forget. A 25km journey by foot in the company of great united friends and strangers who now become friends.

My little contributions towards a better future for Malaysia. Will a Better Malaysia remain just a dream, we will see. Will I walk again?

Yes indeed I will walk again with Himpunan Hijau this Saturday and Sunday in Kuala Lumpur and their final steps to Parliament.

Will you?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Deepavali

Here's wishing all Msians A Happy Deepavali.

May this festival of light bring love n joy into our homes and lives.

May this festival also remind us of our responsibility to our future generation: the courage to bring change to this nation.

This festival is indeed a celebration of Good over Evil.

Happy Deepavali!

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Great Malaysian Robbery

Rasuah adalah bagai penyakit barah yang melemahkan badan, membawa lebih masalah dan kalau tidak dikawal, akan membawa maut. Rasuah akan mengalirkan wang keluar dan mengecutkan ekonomi Negara. Hasilnya adalah kenaikan kos sara hidup, penambahan taraf kemiskinan dikalangan masyarakat dan pencabulan hak asasi rakyat. Rasuah akan menurunkan kualiti barangan dan perkhidmatan dan boleh membawa kecederaan. Umpamanya, kerana rasuah, penilaian kualiti kerja yang sepatutnya dilakukan, diabaikan atau dikompromi. Akibatnya siling lapangan terbang runtuh dan cederakan orang. Bumbung stadium runtuh, siling hospital, mahkamah dan juga dewan parlimen pun boleh bocor. Maka rasuah dan penyelewengan yang melibatkan perbelanjaan beratus-ratus juta Ringgit wang rakyat oleh pihak kerajaan menjadi isu penting semua rakyat. Kita tidak boleh tutup mata, walaupun tutup sebelah mata sahaja dan buat tak tahu. Kalau anak kita dirogol didepan mata kita, sanggupkah kita berpeluk tubuh dan berdiam diri? Saya akan memberikan gambaran mengapa kes Skandal Scorpene begitu penting sekali untuk rakyat Malaysia mengambil tahu dan seterusnya apakah yang boleh kami lakukan bersama sebagai rakyat yang prihatin. Pada mulanya apabila kes ini dibangkitkan, ia berkenaan dengan wang rasuah sebanyak RM 500 juta. Walaupun berbagai aduan dibuat, tiada tindakan diambil untuk memulakan sebarang siasatan di tanah air kita. Secara kebetulan pimpinan SUARAM, dalam satu sidang antarabangsa telah bertemu beberapa peguam hak asasi Perancis yang berminat dalam kes ini kerana membabitkan syarikat Perancis. Yang penting diketahui, Skandal Scorpene di Malaysia ini bukannya unik dan khusus sahaja. Syarikat Perancis yang membekal kapal selam ini, DCNS juga terlibat dalam beberapa kes di negara-negara yang turut melibatkan amalan rasuah dan pembunuhan. Di Taiwan, seorang engineer telah kononnya melompat dari tingkap bangunan tinggi dan membunuh diri dalam insiden yang meragui. Ahli-ahli keluarga mereka yang terlibat dalam pembelian kapal selam juga mengalami tragedi dalam situasi yang masih dipersoalkan. Di Pakistan 11 orang engineer Perancis telah mati akibat letupan bom dalam sebuah bas yang pada permulaannya disyaki tanggungjawab pihak terroris. Tetapi telah dibuktikan letupan bom dibuat oleh pihak tentera Pakistan sendiri kerana tidak menerima wang rasuah yang telah dijanjikan oleh pihak DCNS, pembekal kapal selam. Di Malaysia, isu gadis molek dari Mongolia masih ada dalam peringatan kami semua. Nama Altanthuya akan masuk dalam sejarah hitam negara kita. Jadi Skandal Kapal Selam Scorpene yang dibangkitkan oleh SUARAM bukannya omong-omong kosong sahaja. Ia berasas dengan bukti-bukti kukuh yang sekarang masih disiasat oleh mahkamah Perancis kerana agensi kerajaan Malaysia enggan bertindak. Pada permulaan kes ini, ia melibatkan jumlah RM 500 juta. Hasil daripada siasatan awalan mahkamah Perancis dan daripada jawapan soalan-soalan di Parlimen Malaysia, jumlah RM 500 juta itu bagai setitik air dalam lautan. Its only the tip of the iceberg. Kos RM 5 billion untuk Kapa lSelam yang dibeli itu tidak termasuk pelengkapan dan senjata api. Kalau bercampur dengan kos pelengkapan, senjata dan kos penyelenggaraan untuk 3 tahun, jumlah RM 5 billion itu akan mencecah RM 7.5 billion. Bayangkan selepas berbelanja RM5 billion untuk kappa lselam, ia masih tidak boleh digunakan. Perlengkapan dan senjata hanya akan dibekalkan pada tahun 2013. Malah pengkalan untuk kapal selam di Sabah masih dibina, dijangka siap awal tahun 2013. Kalaulah Malaysia diserang, kami tidak dapat mempertahankan negara kami dengan kapal selam Scorpene ini walaupun sudah berbelanja lebih RM7.5 billion. Macamlah yang saya selalu dengar dulu, masa zaman kegelapan Samy Vellu menteri KerjaRaya. Ada tiang takde lampu, ade paip takde air. Sekarang ade Kapal Selam canggih, tak boleh pakai. Mampukah kita, sebagai rakyat Malaysia terus berdiam diri? Pelbagai aduan telah dibuat dengan pihak-pihak berkuasa di Malaysia tetapi tiada tindakan atau siasatan diambil. Maka SUARAM telah membuat aduan di Perancis kerana ia melibatkan sebuah syarikat di Perancis. Kebelakangan ini pula, pihak berkuasa Malaysia telah sibuk membuat pelbagai siasatan. Bukan siasatan aduan rasuah dan penyelewengan tetapi siasatan atas SUARAM. 6 agensi kerajaan digerakkan untuk menyiasat SUARAM. Berbagai tuduhan dibuat bermula dengan SUARAM sebagai penubuhan haram dan melanggar akta penubuhan. Kemudian sebagai penubuhan haram kerana menerima wang asing. Kemudian dituduh sebagai agen Yahudi untuk mengulingkan kerajaan. SUARAM hanya ada 8 kakitangan penuh masa: kalaulah mereka ini boleh gulingkan kerajaan, maka masalahnya bukanlah SUARAM tetapi keupayaan kerajaan yang boleh digulingkan sebegitu sahaja. SUARAM sejak dari mula lagi memberikan kerjasama yang terbaik kepada agensi-agensi ini membantu siasatan mereka. Sudah hampir satu bulan menyiasat tapi belum ada dakwaan lagi - mengapa? Sebab jelaslah, SUARAM tidak bersalah! Kalau nampak salah guna kuasa, kita buat aduan, itu salah ke? Yg seharusnya disiasat adalah yang salah guna kuasa, bukan yang membuat aduan! Maka siasatan yang dibuat keatas SUARAM merupakan satu tindakan intimidasi dan kami sebagai rakyat prihatin seharusnya mengutuk tindakan ini dengan sekuat-kuatnya. Peguam yang mewakili YB Sivarasa, salah seorang pengasas SUARAM, telah menerima “ugutan” untuk mendedahkan dokumen-dokumen SUARAM kepada pihak berkuasa. Segala komunikasi antara peguam dan anak-guamnya dijamin sulit antara mereka. Pihak berkuasa tidak boleh memaksa peguam untuk memecahkan amanah professional mereka. Tetapi saya pasti, pihak berkuasa akan cuba memutar belit fakta dan akan membawa dakwaan dan fitnah ke atas SUARAM dalam jangkamasa terdekat. Saya pasti pihak berkuasa akan cuba mengharamkan SUARAM sebagaimana mereka telah mengharamkan BERSIH 2.0. Perlu saya jelaskan di sini, bahawa apa jua yang terjadi kepada SUARAM, siasatan di mahkamah Perancis akan tetap berlansung dan kebenaran akan diketahui. Dalam siasatan awalan oleh mahkamah Perancis, mereka telah sita dokumen-dokumen daripada syarikat pembekal kapal selam DCNS. Jadi apa yang akan saya terangkan sekarang adalah berasaskan bukti-bukti kukuh; bukti hitam putih. Mereka terjumpa satu dokumen SULIT – RAHSIA yang disediakan oleh pihak tentera Malaysia. Apabila ingin membeli kapal selam, beberapa negara pembekal telah dijemput memberikan tender mereka. Pihak pakar tentera kami membuat bandingan dan lapuran kekuatan dan kelemahan setiap tender tersebut untuk pihak atasan menilai dan membuat keputusan. Dokumen ini amat sulit kerana melibatkan keselamatn negara kita. Lapuran SULIT ini terjumpa di DCNS dan telah sampai ditangan mereka melalui sebuah syarikat di HongKong bernama TERASASI, yang dimilik oleh Razak Baginda dan ayah beliau. Ada juga terjumpa antara dokumen2 yang disita itu, bukti pemindahan wang daripada DCNS kepada Terasasi berjumlah sebanyak RM130 juta. Jadi 1 + 1 = 2. Bagaimana dokumen SULIT ini boleh sampai di tangan Terasasi dan seterusnya ke DCNS Perancis dan kini di mahkamah Perancis? Ini rahsia negara kini, dimanalah maruah rakyat Malaysia apabila rasiah keselamatan negara kita digadai sebegitu. Bukankah sepatutnya siasatan terperinci dibuat sebaik sahaja terdedah perkara ini. Mereka yang terlibat menjual rahsia negara inilah yang sewajarnya dipanggil pengkhianat negara bukannya SUARAM yang buat aduan itu pula yang disalahkan. Kalau dizaman dulu, apa denda kepada pengkhianat? Pancung kepala! kita sudah bertamaddun, kita hormati Kedaulatan Undang2. Kita Rakyat Malaysia mahu perkara ini disiasat secara terperinci dan yang bersalah didakwa mengikut perundangan negara yang sedia ada dan bukan pula disiasat di negara asing. Di negara lain, biasanya bila terdedah skandal sebesar ini, orang yang bertanggungjawab akan meletak jawatan walaupun siasatan masih dijalankan. Di Malaysia, tiada siasatan dan yang bertanggungjawab pula dinaikan pangkat daripada Menteri Pertahanan dan kini menjadi Perdana Menteri. Mampukah kita, terus berdiam diri? Ayoh marilah kita bangkit sebagai rakyat Malaysia, bangkit sebagai satu suara menentang Rasuah, menuntut pentadbiran yang lebih bertanggungjawab, tulus dan ikhlas. Kuasa ditangan kita, kuasa undi kita. Sambil menunggu PRU13, teruslah berkongsi maklumat yang diterima malam ini kepada rakan-rakan dan teman-teman anda. Apabila pulang rumah nanti, renunglah muka dan waja anak / cucu anda dan tanyalah kepada diri anda sendiri, apakah negara yang bakal anda tinggalkan untuk menjamin masa hadapan mereka. Bolehkah anda berdiam diri lagi? Adakah dunia dan Malaysia menuju kearah ketegangan dan menghadapi risiko peperangan? Wajarkah kami memperuntukkan perbelanjaan yang sebegitu tinggi untuk membeli kapal selam mempertahankan tanah air kami ini. Bayangkan betapa baiknya dan tinggi manfaat sekiranya wang itu digunakan untuk menaikan taraf hidup rakyat Malaysia dan membina sekolah-sekolah dan hospital-hospital di Malaysia. Bolehkah anda berdiam diri lagi? Saya bersama rakan-rakan seperjuangan saya dalam jawatankuasa OpsScorpene akan terus menjelajah seluruh tanah air Le Tour de Scorpene: untuk berkongsi maklumat Skandal Scorpen ini. Seperti saudara-saudari, kami merasa marah, kami merasa kecewa dan kami juga merasa penat dan letih tetapi dengan sokongan saudara saudari, kami tetap akan berjuang menuntut kebenaran dan ketulusan demi masa hadapan negara yang tercinta ini. Ingat, berkongsilah maklumat yang anda baca dengan rakan-rakan dan keluarga anda. Biarlah kami semua tidak terus hidup dalam kegelapan kerana kekurangan maklumat tepat. Biarlah kami bersedia menghadapi PRU 13 dengan dibekalkan maklumat yang tepat supaya kami boleh membuat keputusan berdasarkan pengetahuan, let us make an informed decision. Terima Kasih.

Public Transport in Klang Valley

Public Transportation In Klang Valley. The public transportation in Klang Valley has in recent months seen great transformation.

There seems to be a concerted effort to use technology to help improve the system. A taxi company has introduced the GPS technology to its fleet. Now when I call or sms for a cab, I will get an SMS back with a message that tells me how far away the cab is.

On the KTM, LRT and Monorail system, passengers can see on monitors on the platform, the expected arrival times of the trains. Similarly, in bus hubs and in bus stops too, passengers can get latest expected arrival times of their buses. On the RapidKL website, one can key in your location and destination and be given travelling options. The option includes choices of bus / LRT routes and ticket pricing.

Whilst I applaud these improvements, there is still lots more that needs to be done. The current technological improvements serve to strengthen the services of these public transport providers.

However, it does little to encourage more users of public transport. There is generally a negative perception on the reliability and efficiency of our public transport. Of course we will always have to deal with the age old question of the Chicken and Egg; which comes first?

Improved public transport system first or increased ridership to generate income (note I wrote INCOME and NOT PROFIT)

In order to encourage more passengers for public transport, the system must be user friendly, have good efficient connectivity, reliable and shorter waiting and travelling times. There must also be greater emphasize placed in marketing public transport and improving the negative perception of the service.

In a private school outing once, a group of 6 year olds were on a bus. They saw the LRT passing by and one little girl asked her friend, " What's that?". Her friend replied, "oh, that’s the LRT, transport for the poor"

Yes, there must certainly be an image revamp to attract more people to use public transport. Similarly bus stops, train and LRT stations must be turned into user friendly social hubs. If I go and take my bus or train ride to work, I should also be able to purchase my newspaper and perhaps even to make cash withdrawals from the ATM.

Similarly, on my way home, I can also purchase my bread and eggs for next day’s breakfast and perhaps even to take-away my evening dinner. It would also be great if I can pay my utility bills and perhaps also top-up my prepaid phone and internet connection and ASTRO bill.

It would be most convenient too if I can also pay for my housing loan too. Whilst I am waiting for my transport, I can also surf the net. If I am waiting for my bus or taxi, I should not have to be standing in the sun or having to struggle to stay dry when it rains.

The connections between stations and bus / taxi stops should be as near as possible and walkways should be user friendly and well paved and lighted. Passengers should not have to brave and fight traffic simply to get on a bus.Currently, we see taxis parked in bus stops waiting to swindle passengers.

Meanwhile, buses have to stop on the highways and causing traffic congestions and pose a danger to both passengers and other road users. Having said all these, it remains that this is only one part of the solution. For public transportation to serve its purpose, it ultimately boils down to its routing.

LRT routes may be limited to infrastructure but bus routes can and must be given due and serious review. The bus routes must cover residential and high population areas and connected to high people traffic places such as shopping malls, markets and food courts and LRT stations for. Many of these routes may be deemed "unprofitable" but it cannot be disregarded.

Public transportation is a responsibility of the government and must not be planned with profitability as a motivating factor. An efficient public transport system should unite communities and encourage local businesses and expand the local economy.

Our current system in Klang Valley does the opposite. It does not have convenient connections between neighbouring communities. Buses only go from one community straight to the city center. To go to a neigbouring community, one needs to travel all the way down to the city and change to another bus to get back to the next community. The reason there is no direct connection between two neighbouring communities is the short distance or more accurately, the low profit margin factor. What needs to be done?

The local councils must upgrade the bus stops and upgrade the pavements and walkways connecting stations to bus stops. The fundings for these upgrading work can be recovered from the advertising spots that these walkways and bus stops can have. All LRT stations should have sales kiosks made available at minimal cost to other service providers.

This is in order to make these stations as convenient and multi functional as possible. A reference point would be Kelana Jaya station. Shopping malls must be compelled to make spaces available within their property ie covered car park areas as designated taxi and bus stops.

This is to serve two purposes: a comfortable and convenient waiting area for passengers. Secondly, it helps reduce traffic congestion in the main roads as buses and taxis do not block the traffic. Less car park spaces in exchange for conveniences to public transport users is an acceptable exchange. There should be more bus / taxi lanes on major roads for a smoother flow and thus a shorter journey by public transport.

The private sectors should also encourage their employees to use public transport. Therefore, I propose companies to give employees Travel Cards as part of their company benefits. Companies can negotiate for bulk discounts when purchasing these Travel Cards.

Similarly, the government can give.tax rebates for these Travel Cards. The solution to improving public transport has to be covered from various angles simultaniously. It cannot and must not be seen from any one or two perspective only.

There must be active participation between service providers and passengers in education and marketing. Both the local authority as well as government bodies and local businesses must also be part of the solution equation. An efficient public transport serves not only to connect people but to safe and protect the environment too. Reducing waiting and travelling time improves productivity and helps grow the economy.

For starters, I would also suggest a FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT (ie LRT and buses) once a month, perhaps the last Sunday each month. The public is given a FREE RIDE for them to experience public transport and also familiarising themselves with the routes. On that same day, private vehicles will be inconvenienced with having to slow down at designated areas to receive leaflets and flyers about Public Transportations and environmental issues caused by private transportation.

It would also be a very good marketing and promotional gimmick for elected representatives to be seen using public transportation too. By using public transport, they not only are seen encouraging its use but also have first-hand experience of the problems faced by commuters.

More public transport users mean less vehicles on the roads which means less carbon emission into our environment.

"A great and successful city is not where its poor can afford cars but where the rich use public transport"