Monday, December 1, 2008

The Fire in Our Spirits

Last night was the third Candlelight Vigil that I have attended at the PJ Civic Center.

As always, a wonderful crowd, mixed ages but one people: Bangsa Malaysia

Last night, that mystery lady who voiced her rights when she bumped into the Support ISA march the previous Sunday spoke. She related her experience and why she did what she did. One brave woman with a truly burning spirit because of her love for her country.

These Vigils still require a Police Permit which Councillor Richard still goes about applying on our behalf. And it is approved but with the usual clauses of what cannot be done.

The authorities should know by now that they can extinguish the light on our candles (the permit only allows candles for 15 minutes. However, they can never extinguish the fire in our spirit.

And it is this fire in the spirit of the people that will keep going to bring positive changes to this nation. The people gather everyweek because of their love for the make this country a better place for the generations to come.

We sing the State and National ANthem with pride and glory in the true spirit of Patriotism.

And it is the combined fire in our spirits that will bring about the changes. Combined together, it will indeed be the true spirit of Malaysia Boleh! and one united voice: Suara Anak Bangsa Malaysia.

And after ISA, there are still more that this Suara Anak Bangsa Malaysia can do.....

May the Fire In Our Spirits Continue to Burn for a Better Malaysia!