On this the eve of Ramadhan 1435H, I woke up to the news of the cow head thrown at the gate of a DAP state assembly person's house in Penang. This same representative had earlier used the term "celaka" on UMNO.
This incident is sad enough on its own but the worse came later in the morning. A federal minister commented that the DAP representative deserved the cow head for having a loud mouth.
What has this country got to?
Just when you thought that things cannot get worse, JAIS (the state religious body for ISLAM) issues a statement that they will not return the bibles siezed from the Malaysian Bible Society. This despite the Attorney General's decision that JAIS has erred in siezing the bibles and the State government's instructions to return the bibles.
So as we approach the holy month of Ramadhan, it looks like the "defenders of Islam" are all out to disgrace the religion.
Islam teaches forgiveness and respect. It teaches tolerance and sensitivity.
However, what we see done by Muslims certainly run contrary to the teachings.
Nevertheless, lets pray that they will come back to their senses this holy month. May their fullfilment of their religious obligation to fast bring peace, love and respect to their hearts and soul.
Fasting is not just to abstain from food but to appreciate the suffering and challenges that those less fortunate have to endure. In appreciating it , our hearts are open to care, to love and to give.
However, one important element tends to gt forgotten and that is to live in moderation.
I wish JAIS and those defenders of Islam will come out with strong statements against waste and excessive spending on lavish Buka Puasa feasts and the likes.
Yes, coming together to break fast is encouraged but it must be in moderation and to always remember the less fortunate.
I wish all my Muslim and non Muslim friends a blessed Ramadhan. May GOD give us the strength and courage to fulfil this religious obligation that it will bless our soul and make us better people that bring glory and not disgrace to GOD.
Im off now to celebrate Ramadhan eve with a visit to Masjid Jamek, to draw in the sight, the sound, the smell and the spirit of Ramadhan with my Muslim brethrens.